For input and output of dates, every Oracle Database instance has a default date format model (also called a mask) that is set by the NLS_DATE_FORMAT initialization parameter. (Initialization parameters determine the default settings for Oracle Database instances. Users who have appropriate permissions can change some of these parameters on a per-database, per-instance, or per-session basis.) When you first query the data stored in a table column with a DATE datatype, Oracle Database displays it with a format mask of either DD-MON-YYYY or DD-MON-RR, depending on which is set as the default.
For input and output of dates, every Oracle Database instance has a default date format model (also called a mask) that is set by the NLS_DATE_FORMAT initialization parameter. (Initialization parameters determine the default settings for Oracle Database instances. Users who have appropriate permissions can change some of these parameters on a per-database, per-instance, or per-session basis.) When you first query the data stored in a table column with a DATE datatype, Oracle Database displays it with a format mask of either DD-MON-YYYY or DD-MON-RR, depending on which is set as the default.
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