Here i am putting all the questions i had faced during my interviews ...
Interview at “3i InfoTech”, Chennai:
2) What is PRE-QUERY and POST-QUERY? When these triggers will fire?
3) If the object library with some blocks and triggers if a form inherited that object library if u doesn’t need some trigger to be inherited the can u delete that trigger from that form?
4) How u can call a report from a form? Which property u has set in runtime?
5) If u create a relation between two blocks in the form what are all triggers it will create?
6) What is a ref cursor?
7) To call a form which type of built-ins u has to use?
8) What is the main difference between expand and variable property for a text item in reports.
9) In a report layout there is accepted and rejected fields and it has a parameter when u run the report based on the parameter the output should show either accepted or rejected information in the report output so what u will do for this requirement?
Telephonic Interview from “Activate Enterprise”(Bangalore):
11) What are composite data types in PLSQL?
Interview in Chennai for “KalsInfo”(Bangalore):
12) What are different types of index in oracle?
13) Which data type will store 100 to 50000 characters?
14) What is long data type?
15) What is difference between BLOB and CLOB?
16) What is BTREE?
17) What is the difference between primary key and composite key?
18) Fill the following number series 1 2 7 54?
19) What is optimizing? How u will optimize a query?
Telephonic Interview from True Tech Solutions, Chennai:
20) What is a reference item in forms?
21) What is a record group?
22) What is canvas?
23) What are the different types of canvases?
24) What is the default type of canvas in the form?
25) Can u place horizontal and vertical toolbar canvas in content canvas?
26) If u have two blocks in a canvas in first block u have an text item called A and in the second block u have a text item called B when u move from first block to second block what is the order of trigger firing sequence?
27) What is a place holder column?
28) What are the different types of triggers available in reports?
29) Apart from report triggers when the report will execute the query which is in data model?
30) What is format trigger in reports?
31) What is a user parameter and lexical parameters?
32) What is character mode in reports?
33) What is mutating table?
34) What is correlated sub query?
Telephonic interview at True Tech Solutions from Doha:
35) What are different types of relations?
36) What is difference between visual attribute and property class?
37) What is record group?
38) What is place holder column?
39) Can u write PLSQL code for a place holder?
40) Report output is like 10 rows the half of 10th row is going to next page to avoid this what u have to do?
41) To build a matrix report what are the minimum group’s u need to create?
42) What are system parameters?
43) How u will display like “Page Number: 1 of 10” in report?
Telephonic interview from kalsInfo(Bangalore)2nd round:
44) What are the disadvantages of the cursor?
45) What are control structures? What is until loop?
46) What is table, column triggers?
47) What are qualifiers in triggers? How u will refer it?
48) What is long data type in SQL? Can u store number in that?
49) What are date functions?
50) What are different types of index in oracle?
51) What is DECODE?
52) What is the output from date – date?
Telephonic interview from BalaMurali for SQL and PLSQL:
53) Can u give a synonym to a procedure or a package?
54) Why do u use anonymous block in PLSQL?
55) What is associate array?
56) What is v array?
57) What is difference between for loop and cursor for loop?
58) What is sub query and correlated sub query?
59) What is the select statement to retrieve name and highest salary for an employee in the employees table?
Telephonic Interview from Acsys software India private ltd (Client-HP):
60) What is sur gate key?
61) What is the difference between constraint and trigger?
62) What is materialized view?
63) What is snap shot?
64) What is sequence?
65) If u r generating sequence for invoice number that invoice number used by several tables and because of the failure one sequence number is skipped so how u will handle the situation to generate the sequence numbers without skipping the numbers ?
66) What is %TYPE and %ROWTYPE and what are the differences?
67) What are different types of cursors?
68) When do u use implicit cursor and explicit cursor?
69) What are cursor attributes?
70) Why do u use cursor attributes?
71) What is no copy parameter?
72) What is autonomous transaction?
73) What is mutating table?
74) What is fine tuning?
75) What are different types of record groups?
76) How u will call a report from a form and what is the syntax of it?
77) What are the different types of windows in oracle?
78) In a single canvas can I have multiple windows?
79) What is confine mode and flex mode?
80) Can u write a SQL statement in place holder column?
81) Can u call a report from a report?
82) What is drill down report?
83) If u have radio group in a form what kind of triggers u can create for that?
Telephonic Interview from 3i InfoTech(Conducted by Velu):
84) What is instead of trigger?
85) What is a cursor?
86) What are cursor attributes?
87) What is synonym?
88) What is sequence?
89) What is recycling bin in oracle 10g?
90) What is EXPLAIN PLAN?
91) How do u know the query is perfect which is returned by u?
92) Where index is will store?
93) What is non-unique index?
94) What are types of index?
95) What are levels? Connect by prior?
97) What are PCT free and PCT used?
98) What is statement trigger?
99) How many no of triggers can u use for a table?
100) What is materialized view?
101) What is snapshot?
102) What is mutating trigger?
103) What is ref cursor?
104) What is dynamic statement?
105) What is the purpose of package definition?
107) Why does u use NAME_IN?
108) What are different types of record groups?
Interview at CTS, MPEZ, Chennai:
109) What is a correlated sub query? Write an example query?
110) What is decode? Write an example query?
111) What is plsql records? Write a simple record procedure?
112) What is trigger? Write an example trigger?
113) What is exception handling? Define a exception and handle the exception at exception block?
114) What is index? Types of index?
115) Difference between row num and row id?
116) Write query to get top 5 highest salaries from employee table using row num?
117) What is oracle partitioning ?
118) What is with clause?
ICONCEPT 1st Round Interview from Hyderabad (Telephonic):
119) What is the difference between PROPERTY CLASS and VISSUAL ATTRIBUTE?
120) What is the difference between WHEN-VALIDATE-ITEM and KEY-NEXT-ITEM?
121) What is a view? and What is the difference between View and Materialized View?
122) What is a global variable?
123) How does u run a report from a form?
124) What are the different PLSQL Cursors?
Man soft from Pune for onsite Qatar (Telephonic)
125) What are the restricted routines in forms?
126) What is cascading, isolated, non-isolated?
127) WHEN-VALIDATE-ITEM trigger created for form level, block level, item level. What is the order of firing? Can this order of firing be manipulated?
128) For list of values, which trigger will fire?
129) What is object group?
130) What is attached libraries?
131) What are the report triggers? What is the purpose of between pages trigger? What do u do with this trigger?
132) What are the types of reports?
133) How do you load data from a form to database?
Interview at TCS (Lloyds Road, Gopalapuram) on PL/SQL:
134) What are 10g new features?
135) What is bulk collect? Bulk inserts?
136) What is view? If the view doesn’t contain any group or aggregate functions and the view is created based on 3tables, Can u update a view?
137) What is sub query and correlated subquery?
138) What is the difference between truncate and delete?
139) A table has an after delete trigger, if u truncate the table, will the trigger still fire?
ICONCEPT 2nd Round Interview from Hyderabad (Skype & Telephonic):
140) What is difference between WHEN-VALIDATE-ITEM & KEY-NEXT-ITEM?
141) What is difference between Object group and object libraries?
142) Can u create two record groups using one LOV?
143) When you open a form, which all triggers will fire?
144) What is an alert?
IBM Telephonic from Raju:
HOTCOURSES 1st & 2nd Round Interview by Vijay:
147) What is a global variable?
148) What are the types of cursors?
149) What is a index? What are the function based index?
150) What is a sequence? Can u use a sequence for two tables?
151) What is EXPLAIN PLAN?
152) Select top 5 salaries from emp?
153) What is a ref cursor? Why do u use it? What is difference between normal cursor and ref cursor?
154) How do u delete rows from a table using a procedure?
155) What is using clause? How do use it with EXECUTE IMMEDIATE?
156) What is a construct? How do u use it with ref cursor?
157) Select null from emp, what is the output?
158) Select sysdate from emp, what is the output?
159) What is a transaction? If a block or procedure have multiple statements and at the end has a commit, if some statement raised a error , will the remaining statements will commit? Or will it roll back?
Mahindra Satyam Face to Face interview:
160) What is merge? Write merge syntax?
161) What is DML and DDL?
162) What is difference between replace and translate?
163) What is group by and having?
164) What is CASE and decode, can u use CASE as a expression? can u use DECODE as a expression? What is the difference?
165) What is recursive procedure?
166) What is a cursor FOR LOOP?
167) There is a text file with data, have to load in a table. Table contains primary key. Text file data is duplicated. How will u load with out fail? What exception should handle? What is the name of the exception?
168) Which attribute returns false?
169) What is autonomous transaction? And what is pragma?
170) What is block coordination?
171) In a form module, WHEN-VALIDATE-ITEM trigger is there at from level, block level, item level. When u accesses the item, what is the firing sequence? Can u over ride the firing sequence?
172) How do I call a report from a form?
173) What is object group? What is object library?
174) What is a record group?
175) What is subclass and copy? If a form sub classed with something, it always refers the parent? So how will u avoid it? How sub classing will be useful?
176) What is default record behavior, when u creates a relation?
177) What are the triggers are created when a relation is created?
178) What are the different types of triggers in forms?
179) What is a property class and visual attribute? What is the difference? Can u change properties at runtime for both? If a item has property class and visual attribute, what will happen?
180) What is a POST key word?
181) What is NAME_IN and COPY? What is the difference?
182) A form has one master block and two detail blocks. When user clicks save button, what happens internally? What is the behavior of the form?
183) What is SRW? What is the full form of SRW?
184) Under SRW.MESSAGE, how many characters you can write in a message?
185) How do I execute a DDL Statement at end of the report?
186) What is between pages trigger? If a report has 100 pages, how many times it will fire? Will it fire 100 times?
187) When u run a report the parameter form displays, how do u suppress it?
3i Infotech, Face to face interview:
188) What is a mutating trigger? How do u overcome this kind of problem?
189) What is global table?
190) Write syntax to create temporary table?
191) How do u call a stack view and a form from a button? And how do u execute the other form?
192) What is Format mask?
193) Trigger execution hierarchy?
194) What is object group?
195) When u change a object group, how the changes are reflected?
196) When u call a report from a form, u define parameters according to the report parameters? For example report contains 20 parameters but u defined 21 parameters under a form? What happens now?
197) How does u process a report without a query? When u create a temp table using a report, what do u do with that temp table?
198) What is a lexical parameter? How do u reference it?
199) In a report address 1,2,3,4,5 fields are there populated from a address table? If 3,4 fields are blank, how do u move 5th field in place of 3,4?
Iconcept 3rd round skype and telephonic from hyd:
200) What is the difference between a parameter and global variable?
201) Can u create a pre query trigger at form level?
202) When u print reort from a form, how do u directly send the report to the printer?
203) SELECT account_name, trans_date, amount
FROM transaction
WHERE TRUNC (trans_date) = TRUNC(SYSDATE); is it a tuned query? If not how would u write?
204) DECLARE v_number NUMBER := 100; BEGIN dbms_output.put_line(v_number); DECLARE v_number NUMBER := 200; v_no NUMBER := 10; BEGIN dbms_output.put_line(v_number); v_number := 500; END; dbms_output.put_line(v_number); END; what is the oupput?
205) Table EMP has a column called Code, The code column have 3 rows like A
C so out put should come as
A ?
206) When do use IN and EXISTS? Which is better to USE?
207) UNION and UNION ALL, Which one gives, better performance?
Virtusa Face to face interview:
208) What is DBMS_UTILITY?
209) What is regular expression?
210) What is SQL Loader? How do u use it? There is a option to commit for certain rows but How does u commit rows at end in SQL Loader?
211) How does exists will be perform better than IN? What is the behind scene of it?
212) What are different types of hints?
213) What are different types in built exceptions? There is a block with 10 select statements, at end of the block there is a exception handler, if some select statements raises errors how will u trace it which ones are raised with a single exception block?
214) If a PLSQL package has 1000 lines of code. In that a procedure is taking lot of time to execute. how do u tune it? Is there any tool or in built package to do it?
215) What is parallel?
216) What are 10g new features which are not in 9i? list out some features?
217) What are the ETL techniques u has used?
Polaris Face to Face:
218) What is inner join? What are the different types of joins?
219) What is shell scripting in UNIX?
220) What is SQL Loader?
BCT Face to Face:
221) How do you store a image file in data base table, using which data type? How do u show this image file in a form by reading the image from the data base?
222) If a sql query is taking too long to give result, in this case what is u r first step to tune the sql?
223) What is difference between Attached libraries, program units and database procedures?
224) If a report is taking too long to execute and there is no way you can change the select statement in it, what is the way? Clue: They way is to populate the report from a temp table, how do u do this?
225) Retrieve 5 to 10 rows from a table using rownum? Can u include between with rownum?
226) What is many to many relationships?
Technosoft Global services Face to Face Interview:
227) What is normalization? What are different types of normalization? What is the purpose of each normalization?
228) What are the different tables?
229) Write a query to fetch employee’s manager?
230) Write a hierarchical query to retrieve managers and employees?
231) How do u store image in a database using front end? What data type does u use?
232) What is difference between varchar and nvarchar?
233) On a production environment, table is there with lot of records with a nvarchar column of 200 size? But the data under this column comes up to 110 max. To reduce the column size to 150 what analysis you do? Impact analysis?
234) What is a dependency?
235) A database table is being used in production; u got a requirement to add a new column to that table? The table is referred by many database objects? What analysis you do to add a new column?
Telephonic Interview from CSC:
236) Retrieve first day of the month?
237) In a PL/SQL Block, there is a select statement which is returning null value. The exception is handled with the following ordered WHEN OTHERS THEN, WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND. Which one handled first?
238) What are bind parameters?
239) What is DML Target type? What are different types?
240) What are the transactional triggers?
241) Can u run a form without a database connection?
242) What are the properties you set at block level?
243) What are the properties you set for repeating frame?
244) What is conditional formatting?
245) What is data link?
Telephonic Interview (2nd Round) from Birla Soft:
246) What is the difference between Schema and user?
247) When INVALID_CUROSR exception will fire? At what situation?
248) Difference between stand alone program and packaged sub program?
249) Disadvantage of the package?
250) Difference between drop and create or replace?
251) Difference between DBMS_JOB and CORNTAB? When does u go for CORNTAB and when does u go for DBMS_JOB?
252) What is the default value for Boolean data type?
253) What are PL/SQL Collections? And when do you go for PLSQL TABLE and VARRAY?
254) What is file in PL/SQL? How do you write data to a flat file using PL/SQL? What is the name of the package called?
255) What is mutating trigger? How do you overcome?
Face to Face interview at Velti:
256) How do u pass inputs to a program through a select statement when that program being called in DBMS_JOB?
257) What is the structure of crontab in unix?
Telephonic interview from Wipro Singapore (Reffred by Nitya Consultancy):
258) What is sub query and correlated sub query? What is difference?
259) A join or a correlated sub query, which one is faster? And why?
260) A procedure is currently taking one hour time to execute, after 3days suddenly execution time is increased. What could be the reason?
261) What is the advantage of a package?
262) What is mutating trigger? How does u overcome it?
263) What is the difference between nested tables and VARRAY?
264) What are partitioned tables?
265) What is direct path load in Sql Loader?
266) What is EXPLAIN plan? What is cost measurement?
267) In UNIX, how does u find a character in a file?
Telephonic interview from Wipro Singapore (Referred by Nitya Consultancy):
268) Write a query to display EMP_ID, NAME, SALARY, JOB_ID who is reporting to higjer level and nobody reports to these employees?
269) Write a query to display top 3 salaries from employees based on each department?
270) What is a left outer join?
271) What is IN and EXISTS? What is the difference?
272) What is the sub query and correlated sub query? What is the difference? When do u go for sub query and when do u go for correlated sub query?
273) What are partitions? What is hash partition? Can u define a hash and range combination partitions?
274) If a table is having data, can u partition it? If it can what is the way?
275) If a table has index partition, can u exchange the partition?
276) What are index partitions? What is the disadvantage of global index partition?
277) On a table I have a range partitions like for 28-aug-2012 and for 30-aug-2012. Now I want to create a partition for 29-aug-2012. Is it possible, if possible how?
278) What are methods of loading data using sql*loader? Define them?
279) When data is loading through SQL Loader, Does direct path load needs to execute SQL Commands?
280) In PLSQL, I defined a cursor. I opened it and I didn’t fetch any rows. What is the output of %rowcount ?
281) What is ref cursor? What is difference between cursor and ref cursor?
282) What are the packages? Advantages of the packages?
283) What is over loading? If Procedure A written with 3 parameters and Procedure B written as 3 parameters, but in procedure B one of the parameter is OUT parameter. Does it still consider as over loaded? Whether sub programs can be over loaded?
284) What is Index-organized tables?
285) What are the key statistics considered by the optimizer?
286) Some cases than indexed scans full table scans are better? Why?
287) How does a direct path load works and a conventional path load works?
288) What is cardinality?
289) How does u search a character in a file in unix?
290) How does u find last 30 days modified files in unix?
291) How does u retrieve 3rd line from a file in unix?
292) How does u replace xyz to abc in a file in unix?
Telephonic interview from Wipro Singapore - 3rd Round (Referred by Nitya Consultancy):
293) What are SQL Analytical functions? List some of them?
294) What is ROWID and ROWNUM? What is the difference between ROWID and ROWNUM? When u execute a select statement where rownum = 3 what is the out put?
295) What is a inline view? Can u nest a inline view in a another inline view? How many inline views can be nested?
296) In EXPLAIN PLAN, what is the cost? What is the unit of cost?
297) What is the oracle architecture? What are memory structures in it?
298) What is row migration? And what is row chaining?
299) What are components of a table space?
300) What is partition pruning?
301) What is USE_HASH hint?
302) What is DUAL table in ORACLE?
303) What is materialized view? What are all available refresh options?
304) What is global temporary table?
305) How do u run a script in back ground using Unix?
306) How do u declare out variables in unix?
Telephonic interview from Wipro Singapore - 1rd Round (Referred by Nitya Consultancy) for different Role:
307) How to select nested table column in sql command prompt?
308) How to compare 2 nested table data?
309) How does u search a string from environmental variables in Unix?
310) From a log file how do u retrieve rows which are recently added to the file?
Telephonic interview from True Tech – 1st Round:
311) In a form, u has 2 fields. When u r navigating from one to another field, how following triggers will fire? KEY-NEXT-ITEM, PSOT-TEXT-ITEM, WHEN-VALIDATE-ITEM?
312) In a report u have three triggers called Before Report, After Report and Between Pages. What is the firing sequence?
Telephonic interview from DATA SEDE CHENNAI PRIVATE LIMITED – 1st Round:
313) What is difference between a Table and Table space?
314) What is difference between inner join and outer join?
315) What is normalization? Difference between 2nd normal form and 3rd normal form?
Face to Face interview from DATA SEDE CHENNAI PRIVATE LIMITED – 2nd Round:
316) When query as select * from table_name and the table has lack of records..why is it taking so long? What could be the reason?
317) When the procedure is to optimize, what are all 5 things u first look at it?
318) What is the Major challenge u have faced in u r work experience?
319) What are the major key points of database design? What are all standards you follow when designing tables?
320) What is package?
321) What is correlated sub query?
Telephonic Interview from Regency,DOHA,Qatar – 1st Round:
Telephonic Interview from Kumaran Systems by Nataraj – 1st Round:
323) What is the biggest challenge u have faced related to forms in u r experience?
324) When you log on, what is all triggers fire?
325) What is the cascading does in a relation? Can u delete the detail record?
326) What is the isolated does in a relation? Can u delete the detail record?
327) If a object group is changed, will it reflect the change in referenced forms?
Face to face Interview at HCL – 1st Round:
328) What is no copy parameter?
329) What is high watermark?
330) What is PL/SQL Table function?
331) What is hard parse n what soft parse is?
332) Can u define DEFAULT VALUE to OUT or IN OUT Parameter?
333) What is procedural over loading?
334) LOV can be parameterized?
335) If there is a problem in form, and u know the problem is from package. How will u debug it?
336) What are all procedure/functions u have used in DBMS_UTILITY;
337) What is difference between RAISE EXCEPTION_NAME and RAISE?
338) What are different grep commands available?
339) What are bind variables?
340) What are strong and weak cursors?
Face to face Interview at HCL – 2nd Round:
341) What are the tools u has used for the requirements gathering?
342) What are the key things u follow in requirement gatherings?
343) What is business process re-engineering?
Face to face Interview at Capegemini:
344) Select TRUNC(123.456, -1) from dual. What is the result?
345) Select * from dual where 1=2;
346) What is substitute key word for DISTINCT?
347) How does oracle perform joins?
348) What are 11g new features?
349) When you describe a table in SQL Prompt, It shows the structure of a table. Where is it reading the structure from?
350) What is bulk feature? When used with lacks of records it creates the memory problem. What do u do for this situation?
351) In a table there is column called gender with number of rows as F,M,M,F,F,M. how do u update M to F and F to M with a single update statement?
352) What are timestamp data types are available?
353) How does u find running process and how does u kill a process?
354) What is histogram?
355) What is the structure of B.Tree index? Can u draw?
356) What is hash join?
357) How do u find high load SQL?
358) There so many locks on DB and users are complaining? What is u r take?
Telephonic Interview from Verizon:
360) What is view? What is Materialize view? What is difference? Can u create a index on a view? Can u create index on a materialized view?
361) What are all data ware housing concepts u know? What is data ware house? What is data mart? What is a star schema?
362) How does a result cache function behave when the data is changed in a table?
363) What are the limitations do u having when exporting using expdp?
364) How does u do cloning?
365) A sql statement is executed today normally. Suddenly the execution time is increased to minutes after two days? What is the problem? All indexes are placed well and execution plan is same like before? What is the initial steps u considers?
366) Difference between a procedure and function?
367) What is a trigger? Why it is used? For what requirements u use triggers mostly?
368) Have u worked on AWR Reports?
369) How do u determine that when to collect statistics?
370) What are cascading triggers?
Telephonic Interview from Thought Focus:
371) What is difference between RANK and DENSE RANK?
372) How do u create package in Schema B from Schema A? Assume that u have all the privileges?
373) How do u compile a package using alter statement?
374) What is snapshot? What is the difference between snapshot n materialized views?
375) What is the syntax to create public synonym?
376) What is the privilege u need to grant to debug a program?
377) What is the disadvantage of a package?
378) What is the way to execute dynamic sql? What is the old way of executing dynamic sql? What is difference between them?
Face to Face Interview from IMS:
379) What are the tools for oracle u has used in u r experience?
380) What is the data model of u r application?
382) Up to what normal form u have satisfied u r database design?
383) Write a query to find departments who not related to R&D and department employees salaries are greater than 1 Million?
384) What is high level design and what is low level design?
385) What are the phases of SDLC?
386) What are the documents involved in a complete project?
Face to Face Interview At Bank of America, Chennai:
387) Write a procedure to read n load data from a CSV file using UTL_FILE?
388) What are the difference between implicit cursors and explicit cursors?
389) SELECT * FROM EMPLOYEES WHERE 1=1, what is the output?
390) How does u find a running process in UNIX?
391) On UNIX, How do u write a shell script to check whether the file is there in the particular directory or not? If it is there then call the above procedure?
Telephonic Interview from Transsys, Chennai:
392) When you open a form what are all the triggers will fire?
393) Consider this situation; User is saying he/she generated more than 1000 invoices. As a developer you created a report to show the all invoices which comes around 1000 records only but user is saying he generated more invoices. How do you handle the situation? How does u convince the user that available invoices are 1000 only?
394) How do you populate a button inside the report and then when you click that button it should bring the details of that particular record?
395) How does u validate duplicate records in a form grid? What is the different methodology did u use to achieve the task? Did u use record groups to achieve?
396) In a master detail form, what is the record behavior for placing a cursor in detail block to query detail records after master records has been queried?
397) What is the properties u can set for a tab page?
398) What is an alert? Can u display a custom message with alert? If yes How? What is the built in u use to set alert custom message in run time?
399) How does u send record sets from Form A to Form B? Using What?
400) Have u used hierarchical queries? If used where all u have used?
Telephonic Interview from Bank of America, Chennai (Different division):
401) What is SLA?
402) What is change management?
403) What is the production support issues u has faced?
404) How does u kill a process in UNIX?
405) How does u find running process and how does u list out a particular process? How does u kill a particular process?
406) Using UNIX, in a folder there are so many files. How do you list out all files which don’t contain a character d in the file name?
407) How does u find back ground process?
408) How does u replace the header of file without opening the file?
409) Why does u use indexes? What are different types of indexes? What is cluster and non-cluster index?
410) How do you find tables in u r database?
411) How do you find views in u r database?
412) What are the locking mechanisms available in Oracle data bese?
Face to Face Interview at Techno soft global services, Chennai (2nd time, Feb-2013):
413) Write a hierarchical query to show managers and their employees?
414) When you are supporting a production system, there will be any issues coming up. How does u handle them?
415) When u r superior/senior tells u that, this task can only be done like this and it can be done like that and u know whatever he says is wrong way. How do handle this situation? What is u take on it?
416) When u r working with u r team, there is a conflict like u r senior insists on u saying do this in this way and u know that way is not correct and u tried to convince him but still he doesn’t agree. What is u r take?
Telephonic Interview from Polaris, Chennai (2nd time, Feb-2013):
417) What is the difference between 9i and 10g? What is grid computing?
418) What is GREATEST and LEAST?
419) A function is calling a procedure. Can this function be called in sql?
Telephonic Interview from BA for Aptimize Technology On PL/SQL:
420) What is before image error?
Face to Face Interview from ATTUNE Tech through Polaris, Chennai (Feb-2013):
421) What are your strengths and weakness?
422) What are major challenges u have faced in technical, non-technical and functional?
423) At what point you will rebuild the index?
424) A table is portioned with 12 partitions to keep different month’s data from JAN to DEC within a year. When i update FEB as MAR what happens? Will it go to March partition?
425) In TKPROOF, What information is available?
426) What is the major difference between Delete and Truncate?
427) What is the major difference between Procedure and Function?
428) You created a package; a package specification contains three procedures and two functions declared. But the body is defined with only 2 functions. Is it possible?
429) What is mutating trigger? Let us say a table is being updated for a second row and in a trigger if u select (read) the current row it raises mutating error. So what happens when u refer to 8th row? Will it still raise the mutating error?
430) Take this scenario, u need to create audit triggers for 20 tables. How does u do it? As in does u create 20 triggers for 20 tables or does u have any other way of doing it?
431) How does u capture the table name when auditing triggers?
432) Can u refer to an old value in after update trigger?
433) On a table u have Before insert, before update, before delete triggers as three triggers, how do I change the firing sequence as third trigger should fire first and first trigger fire last?
434) In oracle forms, how can u use same LOV for different items?
435) How does u use two different record groups for an LOV at runtime? How does u populate LOV with record group? Using what built in?
436) In oracle forms, for a text item u have when validate item and key next item. When user press tab to go to the next field what is firing sequence? If user moves to the next field using mouse then what is the firing sequence? When user uses the mouse to navigate to another item the key next item wont fire. So if there is code in key next item how would you fire it?
437) In Oracle forms, U has a procedure under program units of form module and with the same name u have a procedure on database. How would u call the database procedure inside the form module when a procedure is existed with the same name in form module?
Face to Face Interview from Kumaran Systems, Chennai:
Telephonic Interview from Emirates, Dubai:
Telephonic Interview from BCTPL, Chennai (Oct-2013):
438) If u have to put the package permanently in SGA, what u have to do?
439) How you can hide package code form other developers?
440) How to Create a Record Group at Runtime? What is the built in?
441) In a multi record block, you have a salary column which contains negative values. So how will u show that particular values in red colour?
443) Consider this; you executed insert statements after this u executed create table statement. What will happen? Will that inserts are committed or not?
444) How will you create matrix report manually?
445) What are the different Query data source types available?
i hope these questions will help you to clear your interview. All the best.
Interview at “3i InfoTech”, Chennai:
2) What is PRE-QUERY and POST-QUERY? When these triggers will fire?
3) If the object library with some blocks and triggers if a form inherited that object library if u doesn’t need some trigger to be inherited the can u delete that trigger from that form?
4) How u can call a report from a form? Which property u has set in runtime?
5) If u create a relation between two blocks in the form what are all triggers it will create?
6) What is a ref cursor?
7) To call a form which type of built-ins u has to use?
8) What is the main difference between expand and variable property for a text item in reports.
9) In a report layout there is accepted and rejected fields and it has a parameter when u run the report based on the parameter the output should show either accepted or rejected information in the report output so what u will do for this requirement?
Telephonic Interview from “Activate Enterprise”(Bangalore):
11) What are composite data types in PLSQL?
Interview in Chennai for “KalsInfo”(Bangalore):
12) What are different types of index in oracle?
13) Which data type will store 100 to 50000 characters?
14) What is long data type?
15) What is difference between BLOB and CLOB?
16) What is BTREE?
17) What is the difference between primary key and composite key?
18) Fill the following number series 1 2 7 54?
19) What is optimizing? How u will optimize a query?
Telephonic Interview from True Tech Solutions, Chennai:
20) What is a reference item in forms?
21) What is a record group?
22) What is canvas?
23) What are the different types of canvases?
24) What is the default type of canvas in the form?
25) Can u place horizontal and vertical toolbar canvas in content canvas?
26) If u have two blocks in a canvas in first block u have an text item called A and in the second block u have a text item called B when u move from first block to second block what is the order of trigger firing sequence?
27) What is a place holder column?
28) What are the different types of triggers available in reports?
29) Apart from report triggers when the report will execute the query which is in data model?
30) What is format trigger in reports?
31) What is a user parameter and lexical parameters?
32) What is character mode in reports?
33) What is mutating table?
34) What is correlated sub query?
Telephonic interview at True Tech Solutions from Doha:
35) What are different types of relations?
36) What is difference between visual attribute and property class?
37) What is record group?
38) What is place holder column?
39) Can u write PLSQL code for a place holder?
40) Report output is like 10 rows the half of 10th row is going to next page to avoid this what u have to do?
41) To build a matrix report what are the minimum group’s u need to create?
42) What are system parameters?
43) How u will display like “Page Number: 1 of 10” in report?
Telephonic interview from kalsInfo(Bangalore)2nd round:
44) What are the disadvantages of the cursor?
45) What are control structures? What is until loop?
46) What is table, column triggers?
47) What are qualifiers in triggers? How u will refer it?
48) What is long data type in SQL? Can u store number in that?
49) What are date functions?
50) What are different types of index in oracle?
51) What is DECODE?
52) What is the output from date – date?
Telephonic interview from BalaMurali for SQL and PLSQL:
53) Can u give a synonym to a procedure or a package?
54) Why do u use anonymous block in PLSQL?
55) What is associate array?
56) What is v array?
57) What is difference between for loop and cursor for loop?
58) What is sub query and correlated sub query?
59) What is the select statement to retrieve name and highest salary for an employee in the employees table?
Telephonic Interview from Acsys software India private ltd (Client-HP):
60) What is sur gate key?
61) What is the difference between constraint and trigger?
62) What is materialized view?
63) What is snap shot?
64) What is sequence?
65) If u r generating sequence for invoice number that invoice number used by several tables and because of the failure one sequence number is skipped so how u will handle the situation to generate the sequence numbers without skipping the numbers ?
66) What is %TYPE and %ROWTYPE and what are the differences?
67) What are different types of cursors?
68) When do u use implicit cursor and explicit cursor?
69) What are cursor attributes?
70) Why do u use cursor attributes?
71) What is no copy parameter?
72) What is autonomous transaction?
73) What is mutating table?
74) What is fine tuning?
75) What are different types of record groups?
76) How u will call a report from a form and what is the syntax of it?
77) What are the different types of windows in oracle?
78) In a single canvas can I have multiple windows?
79) What is confine mode and flex mode?
80) Can u write a SQL statement in place holder column?
81) Can u call a report from a report?
82) What is drill down report?
83) If u have radio group in a form what kind of triggers u can create for that?
Telephonic Interview from 3i InfoTech(Conducted by Velu):
84) What is instead of trigger?
85) What is a cursor?
86) What are cursor attributes?
87) What is synonym?
88) What is sequence?
89) What is recycling bin in oracle 10g?
90) What is EXPLAIN PLAN?
91) How do u know the query is perfect which is returned by u?
92) Where index is will store?
93) What is non-unique index?
94) What are types of index?
95) What are levels? Connect by prior?
97) What are PCT free and PCT used?
98) What is statement trigger?
99) How many no of triggers can u use for a table?
100) What is materialized view?
101) What is snapshot?
102) What is mutating trigger?
103) What is ref cursor?
104) What is dynamic statement?
105) What is the purpose of package definition?
107) Why does u use NAME_IN?
108) What are different types of record groups?
Interview at CTS, MPEZ, Chennai:
109) What is a correlated sub query? Write an example query?
110) What is decode? Write an example query?
111) What is plsql records? Write a simple record procedure?
112) What is trigger? Write an example trigger?
113) What is exception handling? Define a exception and handle the exception at exception block?
114) What is index? Types of index?
115) Difference between row num and row id?
116) Write query to get top 5 highest salaries from employee table using row num?
117) What is oracle partitioning ?
118) What is with clause?
ICONCEPT 1st Round Interview from Hyderabad (Telephonic):
119) What is the difference between PROPERTY CLASS and VISSUAL ATTRIBUTE?
120) What is the difference between WHEN-VALIDATE-ITEM and KEY-NEXT-ITEM?
121) What is a view? and What is the difference between View and Materialized View?
122) What is a global variable?
123) How does u run a report from a form?
124) What are the different PLSQL Cursors?
Man soft from Pune for onsite Qatar (Telephonic)
125) What are the restricted routines in forms?
126) What is cascading, isolated, non-isolated?
127) WHEN-VALIDATE-ITEM trigger created for form level, block level, item level. What is the order of firing? Can this order of firing be manipulated?
128) For list of values, which trigger will fire?
129) What is object group?
130) What is attached libraries?
131) What are the report triggers? What is the purpose of between pages trigger? What do u do with this trigger?
132) What are the types of reports?
133) How do you load data from a form to database?
Interview at TCS (Lloyds Road, Gopalapuram) on PL/SQL:
134) What are 10g new features?
135) What is bulk collect? Bulk inserts?
136) What is view? If the view doesn’t contain any group or aggregate functions and the view is created based on 3tables, Can u update a view?
137) What is sub query and correlated subquery?
138) What is the difference between truncate and delete?
139) A table has an after delete trigger, if u truncate the table, will the trigger still fire?
ICONCEPT 2nd Round Interview from Hyderabad (Skype & Telephonic):
140) What is difference between WHEN-VALIDATE-ITEM & KEY-NEXT-ITEM?
141) What is difference between Object group and object libraries?
142) Can u create two record groups using one LOV?
143) When you open a form, which all triggers will fire?
144) What is an alert?
IBM Telephonic from Raju:
HOTCOURSES 1st & 2nd Round Interview by Vijay:
147) What is a global variable?
148) What are the types of cursors?
149) What is a index? What are the function based index?
150) What is a sequence? Can u use a sequence for two tables?
151) What is EXPLAIN PLAN?
152) Select top 5 salaries from emp?
153) What is a ref cursor? Why do u use it? What is difference between normal cursor and ref cursor?
154) How do u delete rows from a table using a procedure?
155) What is using clause? How do use it with EXECUTE IMMEDIATE?
156) What is a construct? How do u use it with ref cursor?
157) Select null from emp, what is the output?
158) Select sysdate from emp, what is the output?
159) What is a transaction? If a block or procedure have multiple statements and at the end has a commit, if some statement raised a error , will the remaining statements will commit? Or will it roll back?
Mahindra Satyam Face to Face interview:
160) What is merge? Write merge syntax?
161) What is DML and DDL?
162) What is difference between replace and translate?
163) What is group by and having?
164) What is CASE and decode, can u use CASE as a expression? can u use DECODE as a expression? What is the difference?
165) What is recursive procedure?
166) What is a cursor FOR LOOP?
167) There is a text file with data, have to load in a table. Table contains primary key. Text file data is duplicated. How will u load with out fail? What exception should handle? What is the name of the exception?
168) Which attribute returns false?
169) What is autonomous transaction? And what is pragma?
170) What is block coordination?
171) In a form module, WHEN-VALIDATE-ITEM trigger is there at from level, block level, item level. When u accesses the item, what is the firing sequence? Can u over ride the firing sequence?
172) How do I call a report from a form?
173) What is object group? What is object library?
174) What is a record group?
175) What is subclass and copy? If a form sub classed with something, it always refers the parent? So how will u avoid it? How sub classing will be useful?
176) What is default record behavior, when u creates a relation?
177) What are the triggers are created when a relation is created?
178) What are the different types of triggers in forms?
179) What is a property class and visual attribute? What is the difference? Can u change properties at runtime for both? If a item has property class and visual attribute, what will happen?
180) What is a POST key word?
181) What is NAME_IN and COPY? What is the difference?
182) A form has one master block and two detail blocks. When user clicks save button, what happens internally? What is the behavior of the form?
183) What is SRW? What is the full form of SRW?
184) Under SRW.MESSAGE, how many characters you can write in a message?
185) How do I execute a DDL Statement at end of the report?
186) What is between pages trigger? If a report has 100 pages, how many times it will fire? Will it fire 100 times?
187) When u run a report the parameter form displays, how do u suppress it?
3i Infotech, Face to face interview:
188) What is a mutating trigger? How do u overcome this kind of problem?
189) What is global table?
190) Write syntax to create temporary table?
191) How do u call a stack view and a form from a button? And how do u execute the other form?
192) What is Format mask?
193) Trigger execution hierarchy?
194) What is object group?
195) When u change a object group, how the changes are reflected?
196) When u call a report from a form, u define parameters according to the report parameters? For example report contains 20 parameters but u defined 21 parameters under a form? What happens now?
197) How does u process a report without a query? When u create a temp table using a report, what do u do with that temp table?
198) What is a lexical parameter? How do u reference it?
199) In a report address 1,2,3,4,5 fields are there populated from a address table? If 3,4 fields are blank, how do u move 5th field in place of 3,4?
Iconcept 3rd round skype and telephonic from hyd:
200) What is the difference between a parameter and global variable?
201) Can u create a pre query trigger at form level?
202) When u print reort from a form, how do u directly send the report to the printer?
203) SELECT account_name, trans_date, amount
FROM transaction
WHERE TRUNC (trans_date) = TRUNC(SYSDATE); is it a tuned query? If not how would u write?
204) DECLARE v_number NUMBER := 100; BEGIN dbms_output.put_line(v_number); DECLARE v_number NUMBER := 200; v_no NUMBER := 10; BEGIN dbms_output.put_line(v_number); v_number := 500; END; dbms_output.put_line(v_number); END; what is the oupput?
205) Table EMP has a column called Code, The code column have 3 rows like A
C so out put should come as
A ?
206) When do use IN and EXISTS? Which is better to USE?
207) UNION and UNION ALL, Which one gives, better performance?
Virtusa Face to face interview:
208) What is DBMS_UTILITY?
209) What is regular expression?
210) What is SQL Loader? How do u use it? There is a option to commit for certain rows but How does u commit rows at end in SQL Loader?
211) How does exists will be perform better than IN? What is the behind scene of it?
212) What are different types of hints?
213) What are different types in built exceptions? There is a block with 10 select statements, at end of the block there is a exception handler, if some select statements raises errors how will u trace it which ones are raised with a single exception block?
214) If a PLSQL package has 1000 lines of code. In that a procedure is taking lot of time to execute. how do u tune it? Is there any tool or in built package to do it?
215) What is parallel?
216) What are 10g new features which are not in 9i? list out some features?
217) What are the ETL techniques u has used?
Polaris Face to Face:
218) What is inner join? What are the different types of joins?
219) What is shell scripting in UNIX?
220) What is SQL Loader?
BCT Face to Face:
221) How do you store a image file in data base table, using which data type? How do u show this image file in a form by reading the image from the data base?
222) If a sql query is taking too long to give result, in this case what is u r first step to tune the sql?
223) What is difference between Attached libraries, program units and database procedures?
224) If a report is taking too long to execute and there is no way you can change the select statement in it, what is the way? Clue: They way is to populate the report from a temp table, how do u do this?
225) Retrieve 5 to 10 rows from a table using rownum? Can u include between with rownum?
226) What is many to many relationships?
Technosoft Global services Face to Face Interview:
227) What is normalization? What are different types of normalization? What is the purpose of each normalization?
228) What are the different tables?
229) Write a query to fetch employee’s manager?
230) Write a hierarchical query to retrieve managers and employees?
231) How do u store image in a database using front end? What data type does u use?
232) What is difference between varchar and nvarchar?
233) On a production environment, table is there with lot of records with a nvarchar column of 200 size? But the data under this column comes up to 110 max. To reduce the column size to 150 what analysis you do? Impact analysis?
234) What is a dependency?
235) A database table is being used in production; u got a requirement to add a new column to that table? The table is referred by many database objects? What analysis you do to add a new column?
Telephonic Interview from CSC:
236) Retrieve first day of the month?
237) In a PL/SQL Block, there is a select statement which is returning null value. The exception is handled with the following ordered WHEN OTHERS THEN, WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND. Which one handled first?
238) What are bind parameters?
239) What is DML Target type? What are different types?
240) What are the transactional triggers?
241) Can u run a form without a database connection?
242) What are the properties you set at block level?
243) What are the properties you set for repeating frame?
244) What is conditional formatting?
245) What is data link?
Telephonic Interview (2nd Round) from Birla Soft:
246) What is the difference between Schema and user?
247) When INVALID_CUROSR exception will fire? At what situation?
248) Difference between stand alone program and packaged sub program?
249) Disadvantage of the package?
250) Difference between drop and create or replace?
251) Difference between DBMS_JOB and CORNTAB? When does u go for CORNTAB and when does u go for DBMS_JOB?
252) What is the default value for Boolean data type?
253) What are PL/SQL Collections? And when do you go for PLSQL TABLE and VARRAY?
254) What is file in PL/SQL? How do you write data to a flat file using PL/SQL? What is the name of the package called?
255) What is mutating trigger? How do you overcome?
Face to Face interview at Velti:
256) How do u pass inputs to a program through a select statement when that program being called in DBMS_JOB?
257) What is the structure of crontab in unix?
Telephonic interview from Wipro Singapore (Reffred by Nitya Consultancy):
258) What is sub query and correlated sub query? What is difference?
259) A join or a correlated sub query, which one is faster? And why?
260) A procedure is currently taking one hour time to execute, after 3days suddenly execution time is increased. What could be the reason?
261) What is the advantage of a package?
262) What is mutating trigger? How does u overcome it?
263) What is the difference between nested tables and VARRAY?
264) What are partitioned tables?
265) What is direct path load in Sql Loader?
266) What is EXPLAIN plan? What is cost measurement?
267) In UNIX, how does u find a character in a file?
Telephonic interview from Wipro Singapore (Referred by Nitya Consultancy):
268) Write a query to display EMP_ID, NAME, SALARY, JOB_ID who is reporting to higjer level and nobody reports to these employees?
269) Write a query to display top 3 salaries from employees based on each department?
270) What is a left outer join?
271) What is IN and EXISTS? What is the difference?
272) What is the sub query and correlated sub query? What is the difference? When do u go for sub query and when do u go for correlated sub query?
273) What are partitions? What is hash partition? Can u define a hash and range combination partitions?
274) If a table is having data, can u partition it? If it can what is the way?
275) If a table has index partition, can u exchange the partition?
276) What are index partitions? What is the disadvantage of global index partition?
277) On a table I have a range partitions like for 28-aug-2012 and for 30-aug-2012. Now I want to create a partition for 29-aug-2012. Is it possible, if possible how?
278) What are methods of loading data using sql*loader? Define them?
279) When data is loading through SQL Loader, Does direct path load needs to execute SQL Commands?
280) In PLSQL, I defined a cursor. I opened it and I didn’t fetch any rows. What is the output of %rowcount ?
281) What is ref cursor? What is difference between cursor and ref cursor?
282) What are the packages? Advantages of the packages?
283) What is over loading? If Procedure A written with 3 parameters and Procedure B written as 3 parameters, but in procedure B one of the parameter is OUT parameter. Does it still consider as over loaded? Whether sub programs can be over loaded?
284) What is Index-organized tables?
285) What are the key statistics considered by the optimizer?
286) Some cases than indexed scans full table scans are better? Why?
287) How does a direct path load works and a conventional path load works?
288) What is cardinality?
289) How does u search a character in a file in unix?
290) How does u find last 30 days modified files in unix?
291) How does u retrieve 3rd line from a file in unix?
292) How does u replace xyz to abc in a file in unix?
Telephonic interview from Wipro Singapore - 3rd Round (Referred by Nitya Consultancy):
293) What are SQL Analytical functions? List some of them?
294) What is ROWID and ROWNUM? What is the difference between ROWID and ROWNUM? When u execute a select statement where rownum = 3 what is the out put?
295) What is a inline view? Can u nest a inline view in a another inline view? How many inline views can be nested?
296) In EXPLAIN PLAN, what is the cost? What is the unit of cost?
297) What is the oracle architecture? What are memory structures in it?
298) What is row migration? And what is row chaining?
299) What are components of a table space?
300) What is partition pruning?
301) What is USE_HASH hint?
302) What is DUAL table in ORACLE?
303) What is materialized view? What are all available refresh options?
304) What is global temporary table?
305) How do u run a script in back ground using Unix?
306) How do u declare out variables in unix?
Telephonic interview from Wipro Singapore - 1rd Round (Referred by Nitya Consultancy) for different Role:
307) How to select nested table column in sql command prompt?
308) How to compare 2 nested table data?
309) How does u search a string from environmental variables in Unix?
310) From a log file how do u retrieve rows which are recently added to the file?
Telephonic interview from True Tech – 1st Round:
311) In a form, u has 2 fields. When u r navigating from one to another field, how following triggers will fire? KEY-NEXT-ITEM, PSOT-TEXT-ITEM, WHEN-VALIDATE-ITEM?
312) In a report u have three triggers called Before Report, After Report and Between Pages. What is the firing sequence?
Telephonic interview from DATA SEDE CHENNAI PRIVATE LIMITED – 1st Round:
313) What is difference between a Table and Table space?
314) What is difference between inner join and outer join?
315) What is normalization? Difference between 2nd normal form and 3rd normal form?
Face to Face interview from DATA SEDE CHENNAI PRIVATE LIMITED – 2nd Round:
316) When query as select * from table_name and the table has lack of records..why is it taking so long? What could be the reason?
317) When the procedure is to optimize, what are all 5 things u first look at it?
318) What is the Major challenge u have faced in u r work experience?
319) What are the major key points of database design? What are all standards you follow when designing tables?
320) What is package?
321) What is correlated sub query?
Telephonic Interview from Regency,DOHA,Qatar – 1st Round:
Telephonic Interview from Kumaran Systems by Nataraj – 1st Round:
323) What is the biggest challenge u have faced related to forms in u r experience?
324) When you log on, what is all triggers fire?
325) What is the cascading does in a relation? Can u delete the detail record?
326) What is the isolated does in a relation? Can u delete the detail record?
327) If a object group is changed, will it reflect the change in referenced forms?
Face to face Interview at HCL – 1st Round:
328) What is no copy parameter?
329) What is high watermark?
330) What is PL/SQL Table function?
331) What is hard parse n what soft parse is?
332) Can u define DEFAULT VALUE to OUT or IN OUT Parameter?
333) What is procedural over loading?
334) LOV can be parameterized?
335) If there is a problem in form, and u know the problem is from package. How will u debug it?
336) What are all procedure/functions u have used in DBMS_UTILITY;
337) What is difference between RAISE EXCEPTION_NAME and RAISE?
338) What are different grep commands available?
339) What are bind variables?
340) What are strong and weak cursors?
Face to face Interview at HCL – 2nd Round:
341) What are the tools u has used for the requirements gathering?
342) What are the key things u follow in requirement gatherings?
343) What is business process re-engineering?
Face to face Interview at Capegemini:
344) Select TRUNC(123.456, -1) from dual. What is the result?
345) Select * from dual where 1=2;
346) What is substitute key word for DISTINCT?
347) How does oracle perform joins?
348) What are 11g new features?
349) When you describe a table in SQL Prompt, It shows the structure of a table. Where is it reading the structure from?
350) What is bulk feature? When used with lacks of records it creates the memory problem. What do u do for this situation?
351) In a table there is column called gender with number of rows as F,M,M,F,F,M. how do u update M to F and F to M with a single update statement?
352) What are timestamp data types are available?
353) How does u find running process and how does u kill a process?
354) What is histogram?
355) What is the structure of B.Tree index? Can u draw?
356) What is hash join?
357) How do u find high load SQL?
358) There so many locks on DB and users are complaining? What is u r take?
Telephonic Interview from Verizon:
360) What is view? What is Materialize view? What is difference? Can u create a index on a view? Can u create index on a materialized view?
361) What are all data ware housing concepts u know? What is data ware house? What is data mart? What is a star schema?
362) How does a result cache function behave when the data is changed in a table?
363) What are the limitations do u having when exporting using expdp?
364) How does u do cloning?
365) A sql statement is executed today normally. Suddenly the execution time is increased to minutes after two days? What is the problem? All indexes are placed well and execution plan is same like before? What is the initial steps u considers?
366) Difference between a procedure and function?
367) What is a trigger? Why it is used? For what requirements u use triggers mostly?
368) Have u worked on AWR Reports?
369) How do u determine that when to collect statistics?
370) What are cascading triggers?
Telephonic Interview from Thought Focus:
371) What is difference between RANK and DENSE RANK?
372) How do u create package in Schema B from Schema A? Assume that u have all the privileges?
373) How do u compile a package using alter statement?
374) What is snapshot? What is the difference between snapshot n materialized views?
375) What is the syntax to create public synonym?
376) What is the privilege u need to grant to debug a program?
377) What is the disadvantage of a package?
378) What is the way to execute dynamic sql? What is the old way of executing dynamic sql? What is difference between them?
Face to Face Interview from IMS:
379) What are the tools for oracle u has used in u r experience?
380) What is the data model of u r application?
382) Up to what normal form u have satisfied u r database design?
383) Write a query to find departments who not related to R&D and department employees salaries are greater than 1 Million?
384) What is high level design and what is low level design?
385) What are the phases of SDLC?
386) What are the documents involved in a complete project?
Face to Face Interview At Bank of America, Chennai:
387) Write a procedure to read n load data from a CSV file using UTL_FILE?
388) What are the difference between implicit cursors and explicit cursors?
389) SELECT * FROM EMPLOYEES WHERE 1=1, what is the output?
390) How does u find a running process in UNIX?
391) On UNIX, How do u write a shell script to check whether the file is there in the particular directory or not? If it is there then call the above procedure?
Telephonic Interview from Transsys, Chennai:
392) When you open a form what are all the triggers will fire?
393) Consider this situation; User is saying he/she generated more than 1000 invoices. As a developer you created a report to show the all invoices which comes around 1000 records only but user is saying he generated more invoices. How do you handle the situation? How does u convince the user that available invoices are 1000 only?
394) How do you populate a button inside the report and then when you click that button it should bring the details of that particular record?
395) How does u validate duplicate records in a form grid? What is the different methodology did u use to achieve the task? Did u use record groups to achieve?
396) In a master detail form, what is the record behavior for placing a cursor in detail block to query detail records after master records has been queried?
397) What is the properties u can set for a tab page?
398) What is an alert? Can u display a custom message with alert? If yes How? What is the built in u use to set alert custom message in run time?
399) How does u send record sets from Form A to Form B? Using What?
400) Have u used hierarchical queries? If used where all u have used?
Telephonic Interview from Bank of America, Chennai (Different division):
401) What is SLA?
402) What is change management?
403) What is the production support issues u has faced?
404) How does u kill a process in UNIX?
405) How does u find running process and how does u list out a particular process? How does u kill a particular process?
406) Using UNIX, in a folder there are so many files. How do you list out all files which don’t contain a character d in the file name?
407) How does u find back ground process?
408) How does u replace the header of file without opening the file?
409) Why does u use indexes? What are different types of indexes? What is cluster and non-cluster index?
410) How do you find tables in u r database?
411) How do you find views in u r database?
412) What are the locking mechanisms available in Oracle data bese?
Face to Face Interview at Techno soft global services, Chennai (2nd time, Feb-2013):
413) Write a hierarchical query to show managers and their employees?
414) When you are supporting a production system, there will be any issues coming up. How does u handle them?
415) When u r superior/senior tells u that, this task can only be done like this and it can be done like that and u know whatever he says is wrong way. How do handle this situation? What is u take on it?
416) When u r working with u r team, there is a conflict like u r senior insists on u saying do this in this way and u know that way is not correct and u tried to convince him but still he doesn’t agree. What is u r take?
Telephonic Interview from Polaris, Chennai (2nd time, Feb-2013):
417) What is the difference between 9i and 10g? What is grid computing?
418) What is GREATEST and LEAST?
419) A function is calling a procedure. Can this function be called in sql?
Telephonic Interview from BA for Aptimize Technology On PL/SQL:
420) What is before image error?
Face to Face Interview from ATTUNE Tech through Polaris, Chennai (Feb-2013):
421) What are your strengths and weakness?
422) What are major challenges u have faced in technical, non-technical and functional?
423) At what point you will rebuild the index?
424) A table is portioned with 12 partitions to keep different month’s data from JAN to DEC within a year. When i update FEB as MAR what happens? Will it go to March partition?
425) In TKPROOF, What information is available?
426) What is the major difference between Delete and Truncate?
427) What is the major difference between Procedure and Function?
428) You created a package; a package specification contains three procedures and two functions declared. But the body is defined with only 2 functions. Is it possible?
429) What is mutating trigger? Let us say a table is being updated for a second row and in a trigger if u select (read) the current row it raises mutating error. So what happens when u refer to 8th row? Will it still raise the mutating error?
430) Take this scenario, u need to create audit triggers for 20 tables. How does u do it? As in does u create 20 triggers for 20 tables or does u have any other way of doing it?
431) How does u capture the table name when auditing triggers?
432) Can u refer to an old value in after update trigger?
433) On a table u have Before insert, before update, before delete triggers as three triggers, how do I change the firing sequence as third trigger should fire first and first trigger fire last?
434) In oracle forms, how can u use same LOV for different items?
435) How does u use two different record groups for an LOV at runtime? How does u populate LOV with record group? Using what built in?
436) In oracle forms, for a text item u have when validate item and key next item. When user press tab to go to the next field what is firing sequence? If user moves to the next field using mouse then what is the firing sequence? When user uses the mouse to navigate to another item the key next item wont fire. So if there is code in key next item how would you fire it?
437) In Oracle forms, U has a procedure under program units of form module and with the same name u have a procedure on database. How would u call the database procedure inside the form module when a procedure is existed with the same name in form module?
Face to Face Interview from Kumaran Systems, Chennai:
Telephonic Interview from Emirates, Dubai:
Telephonic Interview from BCTPL, Chennai (Oct-2013):
438) If u have to put the package permanently in SGA, what u have to do?
439) How you can hide package code form other developers?
440) How to Create a Record Group at Runtime? What is the built in?
441) In a multi record block, you have a salary column which contains negative values. So how will u show that particular values in red colour?
443) Consider this; you executed insert statements after this u executed create table statement. What will happen? Will that inserts are committed or not?
444) How will you create matrix report manually?
445) What are the different Query data source types available?
i hope these questions will help you to clear your interview. All the best.
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