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Oracle Developer Technical Interview Questions

Here i am putting all the questions i had faced during my interviews ... Interview at “3i InfoTech”, Chennai:  1) What is flow of execution of WHEN-NEW-FORM-INSTANCE, WHEN-NEW-BLOCK-INSTANCE, and WHEN-NEW-ITEM-INSTANCE? 2) What is PRE-QUERY and POST-QUERY? When these triggers will fire? 3) If the object library with some blocks and triggers if a form inherited that object library if u doesn’t need some trigger to be inherited the can u delete that trigger from that form? 4) How u can call a report from a form? Which property u has set in runtime? 5) If u create a relation between two blocks in the form what are all triggers it will create? 6) What is a ref cursor? 7) To call a form which type of built-ins u has to use? 8) What is the main difference between expand and variable property for a text item in reports. 9) In a report layout there is accepted and rejected fields and it has a parameter when u run the report based on the parameter the output should sh...
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The Oracle Server

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Capabilities of SQL SELECT Statements

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SQL Statements

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