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Showing posts from February, 2013

Find the default date format for your current session

For input and output of dates, every Oracle Database instance has a default date  format model  (also called a  mask ) that is set by the NLS_DATE_FORMAT  initialization parameter . (Initialization parameters determine the default settings for Oracle Database instances. Users who have appropriate permissions can change some of these parameters on a per-database, per-instance, or per-session basis.) When you first query the data stored in a table column with a DATE datatype, Oracle Database displays it with a format mask of either DD-MON-YYYY or DD-MON-RR, depending on which is set as the default.

Relationship cardinality

Can be of three types: one-to-many, one- to-one, or many-to-many. One-to-many (1:M).  The most common type of relationship cardinality is a 1:M relationship. Consider the relationship between the  EMPLOYEE  and  DEPARTMENT  tables shown in Figure 1. The common column is DEPARTMENT_ID (which is the primary key in the  DEPARTMENT  table and the foreign key in the  EMPLOYEE  table). One individual DEPARTMENT_ID can relate to many rows in the  EMPLOYEE  table. This represents the business rule that one department can relate to one or many employees (or even no employees) and that an employee is associated with only one department (or, in some cases, no department). This business rule can be restated as follows:  Each employee in a department may be in one and only one department, and that department must exist in the department table. One-to-one (1:1).  A 1:1 relationship between the  DEPARTMENT  table and t...

Oracle Reports - Changing the current mode (Confine or Flex)

To set or override Confine mode:  In the Paper Layout view, click  Confine On or Confine Off  in the toolbar to toggle the mode: On: child objects cannot be moved outside their enclosing parent objects. Off: child objects can be moved outside their enclosing parent objects. To set or override Flex mode:  In the Paper Layout view, click  Flex On or  Flex Off in the toolbar to toggle the mode: On: parent borders "stretch" when child objects are moved against them. The child object maintains the same distance from the side it moves against. Off: parent borders remain fixed when child objects are moved against them.